Results for 'Raymond A. Mazurek'

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  1.  14
    Czesław Białobrzeski – fizyk i filozof.Mariusz Mazurek - 2021 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (9):357-376.
    Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. W części pierwszej rekonstruuję filozoficzne poglądy polskiego filozofującego fizyka Czesława Białobrzeskiego, a w drugiej części przedstawiam jego biografię oraz wkład w rozwój fizyki. Filozoficzne rozważania Białobrzeskiego kształtowały się na bazie wiodących problemów w fizyce końca XIX i przede wszystkim XX wieku; Białobrzeski prowadził te rozważania w ścisłym związku ze swoją praktyką naukową. Działalność polskiego uczonego przypada na okres powstawania i rozwoju mechaniki kwantowej. Białobrzeski – jak wielu innych ówczesnych fizyków – był świadomy konieczności spójnego (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Modele teoretyczne.Mariusz Mazurek - 2015 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 3:141-157.
    I analyse three most interesting and extensive approaches to theoretical models: classical ones—proposed by Peter Achinstein and Michael Redhead, and the rela-tively rareanalysed approach of Ryszard Wójcicki, belonging to a later phase of his research where he gave up applyingthe conceptual apparatus of logical semantics. I take into consideration the approaches to theoretical models in which they are qualified as models representing the reality. That is why I omit Max Black’s and Mary Hesse’s concepts of such models, as those two (...)
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    Aesthetic noise: the philosophy of intentional listening.Mary G. Mazurek - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    Aesthetic Noise: The Philosophy of Intentional Listening considers the complex nature of noise within the framework of philosophical filtering, examining how, if noise is engaged with aesthetically, it can produce profound experiences and understandings. Applying the philosophies of Edmund Burke, Martin Heidegger, Jacque Derrida, and Julia Kristeva to works by Luigi Russolo, John Cage, Steve Reich, Alison Knowles, Annea Lockwood, Alyce Santoro, and Sunn O))), this book explores noise as an art material, and ultimately how it can become a tool (...)
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    Ostatni.Sławomir Mazurek - 2021 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 65:9-14.
    Andrzej Walicki, the last Polish world-renowned humanist of the 20th century, passed away in August this year. The article offers a concise description of his personality and work, which partly undermines some aspects of his autobiography published in 2010. Walicki, who, like Leszek Kołakowski, was a member of the 56’ generation, also known as the “thaw” generation, became famous, first and foremost, as an expert in Russian thought. His publications, devoted to, among other things, retrospective utopianism and liberalism in the (...)
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    O obiektach wirtualnych.Mariusz Mazurek - 2020 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (8):137-154.
    Pod pewnymi względami niezaawansowany stan badań wirtualności w naukach informatycznych wskazuje na konieczność zgłębienia podstawowych kwestii jej dotyczących, tj. kwestii ontologicznych. Dopiero ich rozstrzygnięcie pozwoli rozwiązać zagadkę tworzenia i istnienia obiektów wirtualnych. Rozpatrzenie tych kwestii utrudnia fakt usuwania z dziedziny zainteresowań współczesnej filozofii metafizyki, a wraz z nią ontologii. Dlatego z powodów merytorycznej trafności odwołuję się do koncepcji ontologicznych oraz epistemologicznych, które mogą być wykorzystane do konstrukcji ontologicznych, wypracowanych dawniej w filozofii, które przez analogie lub inspiracje – jak wykazuję – (...)
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    Problem reprezentacji w nauce – obszary niezbadane.Mariusz Mazurek - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (2):215-239.
    Problem reprezentacji w nauce jest intensywnie badany tylko w odniesieniu do nauk empirycznych, przy czym – co ograniczające i wadliwe – w wynikach tych badań dominuje jeden typ identyfikacji relacji reprezentacji, a mianowicie odwołujący się do podobieństwa, w szczególności do izomorfizmu. W tym tekście pokazuję, że zagadnienie reprezentacji w nauce ma trzy braki i wady, które należy usunąć, odkrywając nowe pola rozważań i w związku z tym inicjując nowe badania. Zagadnienie reprezentacji jest ograniczone do wątpliwego identyfikowania reprezentacji jako podobieństwa, nie (...)
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    Russian eurasianism – historiosophy and ideology.Sławomir Mazurek - 2002 - Studies in East European Thought 54 (1-2):105-123.
    I attempt to answer thequestion about the place of Eurasianism in theRussian intellectual tradition. I reconstructits historiosophical assumptions as well thepolitical ideology following from them. I sharethe opinion of certain historians thatEurasianism is interesting for a variety ofreasons, but I disagree with those who see init nothing more than a synthesis of standardideas often found in the history of Russianthought. Eurasianism''s originality includes itsacknowledgment of the positive contribution ofthe Mongols to the history of the Russianstate, the radicalism of its critique (...)
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  8.  21
    The Effectiveness of using Movies to Teach Ethics and Professionalism in an Online Course.Renee Mazurek - 2020 - Teaching Ethics 20 (1-2):15-29.
    Higher education continues to see a shift toward online course delivery. Many professional graduate programs offer online courses when content does not necessarily require face-to-face contact. The use of movies to teach ethics and professionalism to medical students is not a new pedagogical approach. At a university in the United States, a shift in a tracked physical therapy curriculum triggered a course in ethics and professionalism to be delivered earlier in the program, leaving students without prior clinical experience before starting (...)
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    Zdziechowski’s distinctiveness: on the distinctive differences between Marian Zdziechowski’s thought and the Russian Renaissance.Sławomir Mazurek - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-12.
    The article is a comparative analysis of the philosophy of the Russian Religious Renaissance and the views of Marian Zdziechowski (1861–1938), a Polish religious thinker, historian of ideas, and historian of literature. Zdziechowski was also an expert on and promoter of Russian religious thought. As a thinker, he was influenced by it and attempted to cope with the same problems that were plaguing the Russians: the Bolshevik revolution, the decline of Christian religion and culture, and the imminent catastrophe of the (...)
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    Argument C. S. Lewisa przeciwko naturalizmowi.Peter van Inwagen, Anna Mazurek & Michał Buraczewski - 2019 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (2):169-183.
    Original: Peter van Inwagen, “C. S. Lewis’s Argument against Naturalism”, The Journal of Inklings Studies 1, no. 2 : 25–40. Translation with permission of the author. This paper is an evaluation of the argument of Chapter 3 of the second edition of C. S. Lewis’s Miracles. This argument is an attempt to demonstrate that naturalism implies that none of our beliefs is based on reasoning — a “cardinal difficulty for naturalism,” since a belief in naturalism that was not based on (...)
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    The Raymond Tallis reader.Raymond Tallis - 2000 - New York: Palgrave. Edited by Michael Grant.
    The Raymond Tallis Reader provides a comprehensive survey of the work of this passionate, perceptive, and often controversial thinker. Key selections from Tallis's major works are supplemented by Michael Grant's detailed introduction and linking commentary. From nihilism to Theorrhoea, from literary theory to the role of the unconscious, The Raymond Tallis Reader guides us through the panoptic sweep of Tallis's critical insights and reveals a way of thinking for the 21st century.
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  12. Raymond Klibansky and the Warburg Library network: intellectual peregrinations from Hamburg to London and Montreal.Raymond Klibansky - 2018 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press. Edited by Philippe Despoix, Jillian Tomm, Eric Méchoulan & Georges Leroux.
    The Warburg Institute, founded in the 1920s in Hamburg by art and cultural historian Aby Warburg, is a pioneering institution that has greatly shaped the fields of art, myth, religion, medicine, philosophy, and intellectual history. When, in 1933, the institute was moved to London to escape the Nazis, its research and legacy was protected and further developed by a network of researchers dispersed throughout the UK, the US, and Canada.
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    The Notion of Tolerance and Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Raymond Klibansky.Raymond Klibansky, Ethel Groffier & Michel Paradis (eds.) - 1991 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Former colleagues of distinguished philosopher Raymond Klibansky examine tolerance from a number of perspectives, including historical roots in Bayle and Locke, the plea for tolerance in literature and poetry, as well as judicial, cultural and societal aspects.
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  14. Politics and the Imagination.Raymond Geuss - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    In politics, utopians do not have a monopoly on imagination. Even the most conservative defenses of the status quo, Raymond Geuss argues, require imaginative acts of some kind. In this collection of recent essays, including his most overtly political writing yet, Geuss explores the role of imagination in politics, particularly how imaginative constructs interact with political reality. He uses decisions about the war in Iraq to explore the peculiar ways in which politicians can be deluded and citizens can misunderstand (...)
  15.  32
    (1 other version)4. Must Criticism Be Constructive?Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 68-90.
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 2012, given by philosopher Raymond Geuss.
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    8. Politics and Architecture.Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 144-162.
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  17. (2 other versions)Outside ethics.Raymond Geuss - 2003 - European Journal of Philosophy 11 (1):29–53.
    Outside Ethics brings together some of the most important and provocative works by one of the most creative philosophers writing today. Seeking to expand the scope of contemporary moral and political philosophy, Raymond Geuss here presents essays bound by a shared skepticism about a particular way of thinking about what is important in human life--a way of thinking that, in his view, is characteristic of contemporary Western societies and isolates three broad categories of things as important: subjective individual preferences, (...)
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    All for One and One for All? – Examining Convergent Validity and Responsiveness of the German Versions of the Tinnitus Questionnaire (TQ), Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI), and Tinnitus Functional Index.Benjamin Boecking, Petra Brueggemann, Tobias Kleinjung & Birgit Mazurek - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundMeasurement of tinnitus-related distress and treatment responsiveness is key in understanding, conceptualizing and addressing this often-disabling symptom. Whilst several self-report measures exist, the heterogeneity of patient populations, available translations, and treatment contexts requires ongoing psychometric replication and validation efforts.ObjectiveTo investigate the convergent validity and responsiveness of the German versions of the Tinnitus Questionnaire [TQ], Tinnitus Handicap Inventory [THI], and Tinnitus Functional Index [TFI] in a large German-speaking sample of patients with chronic tinnitus who completed a psychologically anchored 7-day Intensive Multimodal (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Dwa typy modeli w nauce a problem odkrycia i zagadnienie reprezentacji.Mariusz Mazurek - 2017 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 5:271-288.
    In the article the models which are reconstructed in the philosophy of science from the praxis of science are divided into two main types: 1) analogue and metaphor-based models and 2) representational models. I examine functions of the models of both the types, and demonstrate that the models of type 1) are used in science as instruments of acquiring new knowledge on the basis of a knowledge accepted earlier; and models of type 2) are used to create cognitive “images” of (...)
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    The Rise and Fall of Soul and Self: An Intellectual History of Personal Identity.Raymond Martin & John Barresi - 2006 - Columbia University Press.
    This book traces the development of theories of the self and personal identity from the ancient Greeks to the present day. From Plato and Aristotle to Freud and Foucault, Raymond Martin and John Barresi explore the works of a wide range of thinkers and reveal the larger intellectual trends, controversies, and ideas that have revolutionized the way we think about ourselves. The authors open with ancient Greece, where the ideas of Plato, Aristotle, and the materialistic atomists laid the groundwork (...)
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    Reality and its Dreams.Raymond Geuss (ed.) - 2016 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    This book tries to argue for both of two theses that some have thought are incompatible, one negative, the other positive. To start with the negative thesis, the book opposes the 'normative turn' in political philosophy: the idea that the right approach to politics is to start from thinking abstractly about our own normative views and apply them to judging political structures, decisions, and events. Rather, the book argues, the study of politics should be focused on the historically and sociologically (...)
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    Aping Mankind: Neuromania, Darwinitis and the Misrepresentation of Humanity.Raymond Tallis - 2011 - Routledge.
    In a devastating critique Raymond Tallis exposes the exaggerated claims made for the ability of neuroscience and evolutionary theory to explain human consciousness, behaviour, culture and society. While readily acknowledging the astounding progress neuroscience has made in helping us understand how the brain works, Tallis directs his guns at neuroscience’s dark companion – "Neuromania" as he describes it – the belief that brain activity is not merely a necessary but a sufficient condition for human consciousness and that consequently our (...)
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  23. Aping Mankind.Raymond Tallis - 2016 - Routledge.
    Neuroscience has made astounding progress in the understanding of the brain. What should we make of its claims to go beyond the brain and explain consciousness, behaviour and culture? Where should we draw the line? In this brilliant critique Raymond Tallis dismantles "Neuromania", arising out of the idea that we are reducible to our brains and "Darwinitis" according to which, since the brain is an evolved organ, we are entirely explicable within an evolutionary framework. With precision and acuity he (...)
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    Saturn and Melancholy: Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion, and Art.Raymond Klibansky, Erwin Panofsky & Fritz Saxl - 1964 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press. Edited by Raymond Klibansky, Erwin Panofsky & Fritz Saxl.
    Saturn and Melancholy remains an iconic text in art history, intellectual history, and the study of culture, despite being long out of print in English. Rooted in the tradition established by Aby Warburg and the Warburg Library, this book has deeply influenced understandings of the interrelations between the humanities disciplines since its first publication in English in 1964. This new edition makes the original English text available for the first time in decades. Saturn and Melancholy offers an unparalleled inquiry into (...)
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  25.  29
    Changing the Subject: Philosophy From Socrates to Adorno.Raymond Geuss - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Ask a question and it is reasonable to expect an answer or a confession of ignorance. But a philosopher may defy expectations. Confronted by a standard question arising from a normal way of viewing the world, a philosopher may reply that the question is misguided, that to continue asking it is, at the extreme, to get trapped in a delusive hall of mirrors. According to Raymond Geuss, this attempt to bypass or undercut conventional ways of thinking, to escape from (...)
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    Self-Concern: An Experiential Approach to What Matters in Survival.Raymond Martin - 1997 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a major contribution to the philosophical literature on the nature of the self, personal identity and survival. Its distinctive methodology is one that is phenomenologically descriptive rather than metaphysical and normative. On the basis of this approach Raymond Martin shows that the distinction between self and other is not nearly as fundamental a feature of our so-called egoistic values as has been traditionally thought. He explains how the belief in a self as a fixed, continuous point (...)
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  27. Metarepresentations in staged communicative acts.Raymond Gibbs - 2000 - In Dan Sperber, Metarepresentations: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Oxford University Press USA.
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  28. Lamentations 3.Raymond R. Roberts - 2013 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 67 (2):196-198.
    This article gives preachers and teachers of scripture an angle on the text that may help communicate its meaning.
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    (1 other version)Outside Ethics.Raymond Geuss - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    "Raymond Geuss is a major voice in contemporary philosophy, and this book will enhance his stature even further. Containing some of his best pieces so far, "Outside Ethics" reveals his impressive range as well as the depth of his thought.
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  30. Matthew 3:1–12.Raymond R. Roberts - 2005 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 59 (4):396-398.
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    5. The Loss of Meaning on the Left.Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 91-111.
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    Preface.Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press.
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    Metaphor Interpretation as Embodied Simulation.Raymond W. Gibbs - 2006 - Mind Language 21 (3):434-458.
    Cognitive theories of metaphor understanding are typically described in terms of the mappings between different kinds of abstract, schematic, disembodied knowledge. My claim in this paper is that part of our ability to make sense of metaphorical language, both individual utterances and extended narratives, resides in the automatic construction of a simulation whereby we imagine performing the bodily actions referred to in the language. Thus, understanding metaphorical expressions like ‘grasp a concept’ or ‘get over’ an emotion involve simulating what it (...)
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  34. But who actually watched Mark Lewis's films at the Louvre?Raymond Bellour - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure, Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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  35. Long-distance running and the will to power.Raymond Angelo Belliotti - 2007 - In Michael W. Austin, Running and Philosophy: A Marathon for the Mind. Wiley-Blackwell.
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  36. Segmenting/analyzing.Raymond Bellour - 1986 - In Philip Rosen, Narrative, apparatus, ideology: a film theory reader. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 66--92.
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    The Johannine World for Preachers.Raymond E. Brown - 1989 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 43 (1):58-65.
    The readers/hearers of the Fourth Gospel are not meant simply to learn from its scenes; they must encounter Jesus and be challenged by him, so they are led to perceive God's ways rather than fitting Jesus into their own preconceived needs.
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    Aristocrats and Statehood in Western Iberia, 300–600 c.e. by Damián Fernández.Raymond Capra - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (4):372-373.
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    Optimism and the Pessimism of the Harvard School: Contrasting Perspectives.Raymond J. Clark - 2017 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 111 (1):57-61.
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  40. Le nu et le vêtu : l'essai I, 36 de Montaigne "De l'usage de se vestir".Raymond Esclapez - 1997 - In Christian Delmas & Françoise Gevrey, Nature et culture à l'âge classique, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles: actes de la journée d'étude du Centre de recherches "Idées, thèmes et formes 1580-1789 [sic]," 25 mars 1996. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail.
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    6. Authority: Some Fables.Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 112-134.
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    3. Marxism and the Ethos of the Twentieth Century.Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 45-67.
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    9. The Future of Theological Ethics.Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 163-174.
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    2. Vix intellegitur.Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 22-44.
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    12. Who Was the First Philosopher?Raymond Geuss - 2014 - In A World Without Why. London: Princeton University Press. pp. 223-230.
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  46. Existirá uma "política popular'?Raymond Huard - 2010 - In Bruno Pexe Dias & José Neves, A política dos muitos: povo, classes e multidão. Lisboa: Ediçoes Tinta-da-China.
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    Gandhi and Justice.Raymond B. Marcus - 2004 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 7 (3):17-30.
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    Gandhi and Justice.Raymond B. Marcin - 2004 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 7 (3):17-30.
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    The City of Babel: Yesterday and Today.Raymond B. Marcin - 2003 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 6 (1):120-130.
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    AIDS, HIV testing, and the ethics of informed consent.D. Raymond - 1986 - Ethics and Medicine: A Christian Perspective on Issues in Bioethics 3 (1):9-15.
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